SPE Foundation
Plastics and Polymer Industry Grant Opportunities
Through its educational grants program, the SPE Foundation strives to provide students of all ages with the means to explore the science and technology of plastics and polymers. Grants support programs and projects at educational institutions to benefit students and the general public, the plastics industry, and SPE.

Plastics & Polymer Education Grants fund programs and/or equipment for classroom use or to deliver plastics education to the public.
3D Printer Grants provide a FlashForge Adventurer 5M 3D printer for junior high, middle, and high schools. Click on one of the printers for more details.
The Plastics Education Grants and 3D Printer Grants are awarded on a revolving basis with deadlines of:
February 15
May 15
August 15
November 15
Awards are granted on:
April 1
July 1
October 1
January 1
SPE Thermoforming Division Grants provide matching funds for thermoforming equipment (forming equipment, auxiliary equipment, retrofitted controls or ovens for existing machines, trimming equipment, and/or software).
Deadlines for Thermoforming Grants:
January 1
April 1
August 1
To apply for a grant, click the green "Apply Today" button below ONLY. Do not click any other links in the navigation bar, SPE login (on right side of page), or any links along the bottom of the page.
Apply Today
After clicking the green "Apply Today" button:
- If you are NOT a member of SPE, you will need to establish an account as a "New Customer."
- If you ARE a member of SPE, you will login using your SPE membership login information. If you've forgotten or misplaced your login information, please RESET YOUR PASSWORD. To reset your password, you will need your username/email address.
Non-Support Statement
While all requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, as a general policy, the SPE Foundation grants program does not support:
- Advertising for benefit or courtesy purposes
- Capital or building campaigns
- Debt reduction
- Endowments or endowment campaigns
- For-profit entities
- Fundraising drives or events
- General operating expenses including salaries, instructional costs and/or activities
- Individuals
- Loans
- Memorials
- Organizations that limit membership or services based on race, religion, color, creed, sex, age or national origin
- Organizations that might in any way pose a conflict with SPE
- Organizations whose chief purpose is to influence legislation or to participate or intervene in political campaigns on behalf or against any candidate for public office
- Religious or sectarian programs for religious purposes
- Scholarships other than our own program
- Meals, snacks or refreshments
- Questions? Email foundation@4spe.org