Request for Visa Invitation Letter

Use this form to request a visa invitation letter for your participation in an SPE event. Please complete all requested fields. If approved, you will receive your letter on SPE letterhead, signed by the CEO, within seven (7) business days.

No Visa Invitation Letters will be issued without prior registration and non-refundable payment for the SPE event you wish to attend. Requests completed without prior registration and payment will not be completed.

Name as it appears on passport:

First/Given Name: *
Last/Family Name: *
Company Name: *
Address: *
Address Line 2:
City: *
State/Region/Province: *
Postal/Zip Code: *
Country: *
Phone: *
Mobile Phone:
Email: *
Company Website:
Date of Birth:
Gender: *

Clear Selection
What is your Passport Number? *
From what country is your Passport issued? *
On what date was your Passport issued?
Expiration date for your Passport:
Date of Visa interview:

Reason for travel:

Name of Event: *
Event Start Date:
Event End Date:
(Maximum characters: 2000)
You have characters left.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

This educational program is provided as a service of SPE. The views and opinions expressed on this or any SPE educational program are those of the Speaker(s) and/or the persons appearing with the Speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. (SPE) or its officials, employees or designees. To comment or to present an opposing or supporting opinion, please contact us at info@4SPE.org.

Refund Policy for Events

Refunds will be granted up to June 1. Registration may not be transferred.

Copyright & Permission to Use

SPE may take photographs and audio/video recordings during the conference, pre-conference meetings and receptions that may include attendees within sessions, networking areas, exhibition areas, and other areas associated with the conference both inside and outside of the venue. By registering for this event, all attendees are providing permission for SPE to use this material at its discretion on SPE's websites, marketing materials, and publications. SPE retains ownership of copyright to all photographs and audio/video recording obtained at this event and attendees may request copies of any material in which they are included.

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